The Crew of ‘The Muppet Show’ Hilariously Perform as Themselves Without Any Muppets in a 1976 Episode

This is totally awesome! But also a bit unnerving?

Video shared by Priory Orchard on YouTube, via laughingsquid.

A little bit of fun by the crew recorded at the end of the first series/season of The Muppet Show in 1976 (I joined ATV in 1977 during Season 2) … I am not sure who was responsible for putting this together (I suspect Peter Harris had an input) but I’m sure someone will tell me.

The crew/cast includes Peter Harris, Richard Holloway, Jim O’Donnell, Brian Grant, Steve Springford, Jerry Hoare, Phil Hawkes, Gerry Elms,John Rook, Martin Baker, Sue Boyers, Francis Essex, Dennis Bassinger, David Chandler, Bryan Holgate, Peter Milic, Claude Walters, Tony Swain and the ladies from the Canteen.

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