Twitter acknowledges bug that exposed protected Tweets of some Android users for years

Twitter for Android has been effected with an issue where 'Protect Your Tweets'setting has been disabled if a certain amount of changes were made. The company says that it is aware of the issue and users may have been impacted by this issue if they had protected Tweets turned on in the settings, and made certain changes to account settings such as changing the email address associated with your account between November 3, 2014, and January 14, 2019. We’ve become aware of and fixed an issue where the “Protect your Tweets” setting was disabled on Twitter for Android. Those affected have been alerted and we’ve turned the setting back on for them. More here: — Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) January 17, 2019 However, users on iOS or the web were not impacted. Twitter has fixed the issue on January 14th. The company said that it has informed users who were affected by this issue and have turned "Protect your Tweets" back on for them if it was disabled.  The company couldn't confirm every account that may have been impacted. The company says that it is looking into the issue and will provide more details in the days to come. Twitter in a blog post said: We've ...

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