Using CircuitPython on the SparkFun LumiDrive @sparkfun @adafruit @circuitpython

Lumini Led Demo-02
Sparkfun has a post on using their new LumiDrive with Adafruit CircuitPython.

This past week, we released our new LumiDrive LED Driver board. This board should please a lot of folks who have been asking for an LED controller that could run Python or one of its board-based variants. This is made possible because the LumiDriver has an onboard SAMD21 which, unlike the ATMega328P, has the speed, power and size to run Python. So now that we have it, what can we do with it? I’m going to offer a very simple introduction for those out there who are unfamiliar with, or at least very new to, the Python environment. Let’s get started.

Read more & this board is also featured in this week’s Python on hardware newsletter.