What Every WordPress Website Owner Should Know

Handing a newly-built website over to a client provides a feeling of great satisfaction. It means that you can cross another item off of your to-do list. And it’s nice to see that all of your hard work has paid off, too. But if that shiny new website was built with WordPress, there’s more to the process. It’s not just a matter of providing your client with a login and a wave goodbye. It even goes beyond teaching them to edit content. There are some things clients need to know in order to keep their site running smoothly.
As web professionals, it’s our duty to educate clients on all of the responsibilities involved. Otherwise, you may receive a panicked phone call about a “broken” website.
So, before you hand over those keys, here are the things new website owners need to know.
WordPress Requires Regular Updates
If you’re not maintaining your client’s new site, they’ll need to be keenly aware of WordPress updates. While this is common knowledge for designers and developers, clients may have no idea of this requirement.
The danger, of course, is that a security hole will be found in WordPress core, a theme or plugin. Left unpatched,
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18296/what-every-wordpress-website-owner-should-know

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/01/15/what-every-wordpress-website-owner-should-know/