WP Offload SES: Announcing A New WordPress Plugin For Amazon SES

If you’ve been following along on the blog, you might have been aware of the new plugin we’ve been working on. The long-awaited release day is finally upon us.
Whether you’re an existing Amazon SES fan and just haven’t found a good, reliable way to connect it to your WordPress site or if you’ve just been looking to offload your site emails to an email sending service but weren’t sure where to start, WP Offload SES is for you.
Go ahead and check out our new WP Offload SES page if you can’t wait to try it out. We’re celebrating the launch with a discount of 40% off your first year – which you’ll see on the pricing page.
For those interested in more details, read on.
Why This Why Now
I’ve been wanting to tackle Amazon SES for WordPress since at least 2015, but it took us awhile to get to a place where we had the bandwidth to tackle it.
And it wasn’t until I decided to reorganize the team into smaller groups focusing on our different products that Matt got the task to get started with development (with Jonesy as a reviewer) on our much improved version of an SES plugin for WordPress.
What Do We Mean By Site Emails
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18323/wp-offload-ses-announcing-a-new-wordpress-plugin-for-amazon-ses

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/01/23/wp-offload-ses-announcing-a-new-wordpress-plugin-for-amazon-ses/