Data leaks: The most common sources

Redis is an open source in-memory data structure store, that can be used as a database, cache system, and message broker. By design, Redis does not come with any default authentication system and all data stored inside its memory is stored in clear text.

Over the past several years, there have been numerous reports warning that there are tens of thousands of Redis servers currently available online without a password.

While there have been a small number of companies who lost data to hackers after leaving servers exposed online, most hacker groups have focused on using these servers for crypto-mining operations, mainly because they have access to large hardware resources that other database systems don't tend to have.

An Imperva 2018 study found that 75 percent of all Redis servers currently left without a password online had already been infected with one or more types of malware. While companies might not be interested in securing servers against malware attacks, these infections are still considered breaches, and companies will be forced to send breach notifications when such incident (considered an intrusion) is detected, regardless. So, in the end, it wouldn't hurt server owners to take a look at the Redis security page and follow the tips and advice on that page.

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