Graphics tutorials for programming the Commodore 64 and VIC-II #Commodore #VintageComputing #RetroComputing @actraiser
Over at, @actraiser has provided the retro community some really great tutorials for programming Commodore hardware, especially graphics.
Some of the topics on the site:
- Episode 2-1: Let’s compile and run C64 code
- Episode 2-2: Writing to the C64 Screen
- Episode 2-3: Did I interrupt you?
- Episode 2-4: Effects using a table of data
- Episode 2-5: Understanding and including music
- Episode 3-1: Spritro – an Intro with a Sprite
- Episode 3-2: Creating the Shapes – Hello SpritePad
- Episode 3-3: Loading Shapes and grasping Symbols
- Episode 3-4: Flying the Space Ship off Course
- Episode 3-5: Taking Command of the Ship Controls
- Episode 3-6: Custom Character Sets – Hello CharPad
- and more
There are also tutorials available for the VIC-II:
- VIC-II for Beginners Part 1 – When Visibility Matters
- VIC-II for Beginners Part 2 – To have or not to have Character
- VIC-II for Beginners Part 3 – Beyond the Screen, Rasters and Cycles
- VIC-II for Beginners Part 4 – Screen Modes Cheaper by the Dozen
- VIC-II for Beginners Part 5 – Bringing Sprites in good Shape
The site is also the home of DUST. DUST is a command line tool for Mac OSX to give you a working C64 cross-development environment within three minutes. It downloads, installs and configures everything you need to start development and provides commands to build and run new projects.

Are you a Commodore programming fan? Let us know your interests in the comments.