Please vote for Limor Fried (Ladyada) for Red Hat’s Women in Open Source Award @RedHat #womenintech #OpenSource #RedHat #RHSummit

Adafruit Women In Open Source Blog

Our Ladyada (Limor Fried) was nominated for Red Hat’s Women in Open Source Award! Please vote for her!


And click VOTE.

Limor is located in Finalists profiles > Community Award > Limor Fried.

Red Hat believes open source is the future of technology, and it recognizes the contributions women are making and inspire a new generation to join the movement.

Make your voice heard. Cast your vote now through February 25.

The judges narrowed down the 2019 Women in Open Source Award nominations to 10 outstanding finalists. With your help, they will recognize 2 women for their contributions at Red Hat® Summit in May.


Vote now!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!