The new Guido van Rossum Core Developer Grant for Core Python Developers to attend EuroPython Conferences #Python @ThePSF

Guido van Rossum Core Developer Grant

At the last General Assembly of the EPS at EuroPython 2018 in Edinburgh, members voted on a new grant program for future EuroPython conferences.

We all love Python and this is one of the main reasons we are putting on EuroPython year after year, serving the “cast of thousands” which support Python. But we also believe it is important to give something back to the main team of developers who have contributed lots of their time and energy to make Python happen: the Python Core Developers.

This group is small, works countless hours, often in their free time and often close to burnout due to not enough new core developers joining the team.

To help with growing the team, putting it more into the spotlight and give them a place to meet, demonstrate their work and a stage to invite new developers, we decided to give Python Core Developers free entry to future EuroPython conferences, starting with EuroPython 2019 in Basel, Switzerland

Coming up with a list of core developers is difficult, since no accurate records were kept over time and where they were, they are not necessarily complete:

If you are not listed on one of these, but have committed patches to the CPython repo in the past, please provide links to these patches when requesting the grant coupons.

If you are interested, see this page for additional information.