YoastCon Overshadowed by Twitter Storm: Joost de Valk, SEO Industry Leaders Called Out for Objectifying Women

The third edition of YoastCon kicked off today in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, but for those following remotely the conference has been overshadowed by a discussion that erupted on the #yoastcon hashtag prior to the event. Several parties began circulating tweets and unsavory videos involving Joost de Valk, for which he has since publicly apologized. The story was complicated and confusing to follow, as many of these decade-old tweets were deleted and the videos made private by the websites that are hosting them. The parties who were publishing screenshots from archive.org alleged that de Valk was sexually harassing women in the SEO industry.
@yoast can scrub @jdevalk history of thirsty sexual harassment tweets but The Wayback Machine knows all. If it’s not harassment why was it deleted yesterday? #YoastCon pic.twitter.com/amctSWHqEw
— Dan Leibson (@DanLeibson) February 6, 2019
Looks like somebody whose name rhymes with toast has been busy deleting tweets ahead of #YoastCon … wonder if any of them are in https://t.co/7s6vq2FNXD? pic.twitter.com/Oi7uAexukv
— David Cohen (@explorionary) February 6, 2019
No seriously, fucking don’t try and excuse behaviour like this.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18367/yoastcon-overshadowed-by-twitter-storm-joost-de-valk-seo-industry-leaders-called-out-for-objectifying-women

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/02/08/yoastcon-overshadowed-by-twitter-storm-joost-de-valk-seo-industry-leaders-called-out-for-objectifying-women/