Copyright and cartography: a new interactive website

Copyright fun never ends. With this in mind, this Kat is delighted to share with  readers the launch of a new website, ‘Cartography and Copyright,  which should be of interest to copyright lovers, map enthusiasts, history keen beans, and digitization geeks.
The website was launched on Friday 5 July 2019 by Professor Isabella Alexander from University Technology Sydney. Alexander is an expert in intellectual property law with a particular penchant for copyright history, legal history and…maps!
The website itself can be described as an interactive map retracing historic copyright cases on…well, maps. As you navigate the website, you travel from London to Edinburgh, Melbourne and Sydney to find out more about key copyright cases involving map-makers and printers in each city.
The map of each city visualizes the working addresses of mapmakers who were involved in early copyright disputes over maps”. The website allows you to “click on a mapmaker's name to read about cases in which they were involved, or move to a new location below”.
The best thing to do to get a sense of how this works is to give it a go yourself – Enjoy the ride!

"the world is a cat that plays with Australia"...