KIST Engineers Design New Glove Allows Users to ‘Feel’ Objects in VR #WearableWednesday


It won’t belong before VR will feel a lot less virtual.


The KIST engineers detail how they designed the VR glove in a paper titled, “Pneumatic actuator and flexible piezoelectric sensor for soft virtual reality glove system,” which employs a series of sensors and soft silicone that generate force when grabbing or touching something in VR space. The glove manipulates a virtual hand in digital space using a set of piezoelectric sensors and soft pneumatic actuators.

Those sensors, eleven in all, are placed on thumb, index, and middle finger, and when squeezed or touched, sends an electrical pulse to the silicone actuators. Those actuators then inflate with air, changing its shape depending on the amount of electrical current.

Read more and check out the original article on Nature!

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