Machine Learning That’s Light Enough for an Arduino @IEEESpectrum @arduino @microchipmakes @adafruit @tensorflow #tinyml #machinelearning

Machine Learning That’s Light Enough for an Arduino @ IEEE Spectrum (video) –

Adafruit’s Limor Fried ported TensorFlow Light to the Arduino ecosystem so you can make your own AI-powered projects.

I want to find out what happens when we bring machine learning to cheap, robust devices that can have all kinds of sensors and work in all kinds of environments. And I want you to help. The kind of AI we can squeeze into a US $30 or $40 system won’t beat anyone at Go, but it opens the door to applications we might never even imagine otherwise.

Specifically, I want to bring machine learning to the Arduino ecosystem. This has become recently possible thanks to improvements in hardware and software.

On the hardware side, Moore’s Law may be running out of steam when it comes to cutting-edge processors, but the party’s not over when it comes to microcontrollers. Microcontrollers based on 8-bit AVR processors dominated the Arduino ecosystem’s early years, for example, but in more recent years, embedded-chip makers have moved toward more powerful ARM-based chips. We can now put enough processing power into these cheap, robust devices to rival desktop PCs of the mid 1990s.

Read more.



  • ASK AN ENGINEER – 7/24/19 Special guest Pete Warden - YouTube.
  • TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers Kit – Adafruit.
  • TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers Kit Quickstart -
  • TRIPLE WORD reconfigurable TensorFlow Lite models! – Adafruit.
  • Machine Learning Monday – Drag n’ Drop reconfigurable TensorFlow Lite models – Adafruit.
  • TensorFlow Lite Ported to Arduino – Adafruit.
  • TensorFlow Lite Ported to Arduino by Adafruit –
  • Machine learning bubble blowing … Tiny Machine Learning on the Edge with TensorFlow Lite Running on SAMD51 – Adafruit.
  • Tiny Machine Learning on the Edge with TensorFlow Lite Running on SAMD51 – Adafruit.