October is Open Hardware Month @ohsummit #OpenHardwareMonth #OHM #OHM2020 #oshw

Adafruit 2019 2307

October is Open Hardware Month @ Open Source Hardware Association.

October is Open Hardware Month! Check out the Open Hardware Month website. Host an event, find a local event, or certify your hardware to support Open Source Hardware.

We are providing resources and asking you, the community, to host small, local events in the name of open source hardware. Tell us about your October event by filling out the form below. Your event will be featured on OSHWA’s Open Hardware Month page (provided you have followed OSHWA’s rules listed on the “Do’s and Don’ts” page).

Read more, Tweet for speakers in 2020, and Open Hardware Month @ http://ohm.oshwa.org/

Adafruit 2019 2308


We sent in all our info today 7/28/2019 @ 5:45pm ET, to do an event on 10/2/2019 (Weds, Oct 2, 2019 at 8pm ET!).
