There Is Just One Sculpture on the Moon

4330a74c 69da 40d9 a186 d0f668b048a4309b9abfae89d35d20 800px Fallen Astronaut

It’s oddly moving to imagine that small aluminum memorial all alone on the moon.

Story from Atlas Obscura.

Across the many missions to the Moon over the years, countless bits of flotsam and jetsam have been deposited on the lunar surface. From Soviet sensors to a couple of golf balls, there are roughly 800 manmade objects up there. There is, however, one of them that’s different than the others. In 1971, the crew of Apollo 15 left a piece of aluminum, 3.3 inches long, on the lunar surface. It is called Fallen Astronaut, and it is the first (and only) art installation on our closest neighbor. (The Moon Museum, a ceramic wafer etched with drawings by Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, and others may or not have been snuck aboard Apollo 12.)

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