Around the IP blogs

Do you have vacation plans this summer? August is certainly a good month to do that. However, as IP fans, you certainly do not want to miss the latest news and posts on IP. 

This edition of Around the IP blogs pays special attention to the new copyright directive passed just a few months ago in the EU.


I want to be on vacation.
The Kluwer Copyright Blog published a series of posts on the DSM directive (Directive on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market). Ananay Aguilar from University of Cambridge comments on the fair remuneration in exploitation contracts for authors and performers covering Article 18-19,20-23 of the Directive in her two-part posts (Part I , Part II ), Tatiana Synodinou from University of Cyprus offered a critical interpretation on the out of commerce works covering Article 8-11 of the same directive (Part IPart II).

In JIPLP blog, PermaKat Eleonora Rosati’s editorial for the August issue of JIPLP discusses translation problems arising from different language versions of the DSM directive and their potential effect on the implementation of the Directive

The Afro-IP blog reports on the process and discussions on the copyright amendment bill in South Africa. 
Trade marks

The Kluwer Trade Mark Blog published a post about the decision of the Boards of appeals of the EUIPO regarding the bad faith concerning the re-applications and re-filings (MONOPOLY case).


The EPLaw Patent Blog reports on a decision of the German Supreme Court on the sufficient disclosure requirement under Article 83 EPC. It finds that the EPO and German practice on the interpretation of this Article are different, and the consequence of this difference is that opposition proceedings before the EPO should be considered in case a revocation relies on the grounds of sufficient disclosure. 

The Kluwer Patent Blog reports on a patent case (Válvulas Arco v Standard Hidráulica, Spain) concerning the role of a patent’s drawings in interpreting the scope of protection of the claims.