Issue 22 HackSpace magazine: Control a screen with CircuitPython #Displays #Microcontrollers #CircuitPython @HackSpaceMag @ben_everard

Ben Everard in HackSpace Magazine Issue 22 discusses use of CircuitPython 4.1 and the new displayio library to create displayed animations with a microcontroller. In the guide, Ben uses an Adafruit PyPortal but other CircuitPython boards will work also.

Getting free art for animations is easy:

Firstly, we’ll need some images to build up our bitmap. You can draw your own if you like, but we took a look at to find some we could use; we came across an adorable otter  – it’s the otters.png image you need. You can download this as a PNG, but we need a bitmap, so
you’ll need to open it in a graphics program and save it in BMP format. We need this file as otters.bmp in an images folder on the CircuitPython device.

You can read the full tutorial in Issue 22 of HackSpace Magazine (PDF pages 78 to 81).

Also, see more tutorials on CircuitPython and displays on the Adafruit Learning System here.

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