Issue 22 HackSpace magazine: Graphical output for (almost) any board #Displays #Microcontrollers #CircuitPython #Arduino @HackSpaceMag @ben_everard

The new HackSpace Magazine Issue 22 highlights being able to connect ubiquitous SPI digital displays to microcontrollers using CircuitPython or Arduino to program the interface.

Sometimes you need a little bit of graphics or text output for your projects and, for this, TFTs are a great solution – they’re cheap, available in a range of sizes, and well supported by maker hardware.

The main thing you need to know when looking to get one is the driver chip it uses. There are a few that are easy to use; in this tutorial, we’ll look at ones driven by the ILI9341 chip. The driver should come on the TFT board, so we don’t need to worry about wiring the two together. Instead, we just need to connect the module to our microcontroller.

Author Ben Everard shows an example hooking a display to an Adafruit Grand Central M4 Express microcontroller and programming the interface in both CircuitPython and Arduino.

You can read the full tutorial in Issue 22 of HackSpace Magazine (PDF pages 76 to 77).

Also, see more tutorials on displays on the Adafruit Learning System here.

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