Pressure sensitive WiFi packet injector in a syringe #Feather #Huzzah #NeoPixels #WiFi @elkentaro

El Kentaro writes on Medium about a cleaver Hacker Summercamp project: a barometric trigger wifi packet injector.

The Adafruit Feather is a great platform, I love working with them. Yes, they are a bit pricier and the international shipping is not the best option for me. So if I can get the parts domestically I would, fortunately I had a couple ESP8266 Feathers lying around I purchased a couple months back. So I tracked down the MPL3115A2 sensor and NeoPixel ring from a local distributor and I started the build.

On the code:

The only piece I actually “wrote” was the logic to trigger the MPL3115A2. The idea is simple, get a baseline of the pressure prior to compressing the air, detect the change and trigger “flood” attack. But even this its based on the example by Adafruit. Now technically using a MPL3115A2 for this project is overkill, there is so much more that this sensor can do. You could make a beacon flooder/deauther that would trigger when reaching a certain height, “Deauthing weather balloon” anybody? Or when the temperature changes, “Is it hot in here or is my wifi being deauthed?”

What about WiFi “deauthing”??

Well yea you can have it deauth everything in its vicinity, but I’m not a fan of deauth attacks to prove a point. I rather beacon flood, I like the “creative” freedom a beacon flood allows me, beacon flooding Frozen lyrics, tweets , inspiration quotes etc.

But using the logic you could easily make a mass deauther, however be advised DO NOT RUN A DEAUTHER at SUMMER CAMP. Your summer camp experience will quickly become a very unpleasant experience.

Read about the entire project details on Medium here > > >