PurpleBlu – My First Pi-Powered Wi-Fi Speaker @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi @AgFinn

Awesome project post by Elias Puurunen.

It’s been a long time since I last blogged about a technology-related thing I did. I miss that. After talking politics, public policy, and everything else that’s wrong with the world, let’s talk about something cool and exciting – hacking!

During my recent trip to Alberta I got to tour some of the maker spaces and hacker labs. I got inspired – I wanted to build something cool. For years I’ve had little bits of technology sitting around from various projects that were started and stopped. One of my limits was the space I’ve had. When you live in an apartment it’s tough to justify keeping lots of tools around. Plus cleanup can be quite messy.

When I got home, my girlfriend and I talked about her need for a portable speaker for playing music at dance lessons. It got me thinking. “I have an old model 1 Raspberry Pi that I’m not using. I’ve also got an old, cheap guitar amplifier. Maybe I could build a powered Wi-Fi speaker that we could stream to?”

Read more.

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