The Fourier Transform Turned Into Art #ArtTuesday
via Art the Science
For a long time I’ve wondered about how to combine my art and my science in a way that is both interesting for scientists and the broader audience. I started to realize the power of art to engage people by making illustrations to explain the mechanisms I was working on, and by making figures for others—like a friend doing a PhD in theoretical physics. It was towards the end of my PhD that I made an illustration that really captured both audiences. I was working on a big project that resulted in a really nice publication. To illustrate the findings of the paper I designed an image that was used in a synopsis article that our paper was selected for and it was also selected by the editors as the cover-image of the issue that the article appeared in. I noticed that even people who didn’t know much about the science behind the image really liked it; explaining what it depicted became a great conversation starter for me. Recently, I’ve been approached and asked to design cover art for articles and conference booklets.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!