Chaos Framework V3.0 - Generate Payloads As Well As Command Remote Windows Systems

CHAOS is a PoC that allow generate payloads as well as command remote operating systems.

Feature Windows Mac Linux
Reverse Shell X X X
Download File X X X
Upload File X X X
Screenshot X X X
Keylogger X
Persistence X
Open URL X X X
Get OS Info X X X
Fork Bomb X X X
Run Hidden X

Tested On

How to Install
# Install dependencies $ sudo apt install golang git -y  # Get this repository $ instruct start  # Get external golang dependencies (ARE REQUIRED GET ALL DEPENDENCIES) $ instruct start $ instruct start $ instruct start $ instruct start  # Maybe y'all volition come across the message "package construct constraints exclude all Go files". # It's occurs because the libraries are to windows systems, exactly it necessary to construct the payload.  # Go into the repository $ cd  /go/src/  # Run $ instruct run main.go

How to Use
Command On HOST does...
generate Generate a payload (e.g. generate lhost= lport=8080 fname=chaos --windows)
lhost= Specify a ip for connection
lport= Specify a port for connection
fname= Specify a filename to output
--windows Target Windows
--macos Target Mac OS
--linux Target Linux
listen Listen for a novel connexion (e.g. listen lport=8080)
serve Serve files
exit Quit this program
Command On TARGET does...
download File Download
upload File Upload
screenshot Take a Screenshot
keylogger_start Start Keylogger session
keylogger_show Show Keylogger session logs
persistence_enable Install at Startup
persistence_disable Remove from Startup
getos Get OS name
lockscreen Lock the OS screen
openurl Open the URL informed
bomb Run Fork Bomb
clear Clear the Screen
back Close connexion exactly choke along running on target
exit Close connexion as well as last out on target



Why does Keylogger capture all upper-case alphabetic quality letters?
All the letters obtained using the keylogger are upper-case alphabetic quality letters. It is a known issue, inwards illustration anyone knows how to gear upward the Keylogger part using golang, delight contact me or opened upward an issue.

Why are necessary instruct as well as install external libraries?
To implement the screenshot part i used a third-party library, y'all tin shipping away banking concern agree it inwards as well as You must download as well as install it to generate the payload.
