CircuitPython Libraries on Linux and the NVIDIA Jetson Nano @nvidia #JetsonNano @circuitpython #circuitpython #AdafruitLearningSystem @Adafruit @MakerMelissa

CircuitPython Libraries on Linux and the NVIDIA Jetson Nano

We’ve got tons of projects, libraries and example code for CircuitPython on microcontrollers, and thanks to the flexibility and power of Python its pretty easy to get it working with microcomputers like the DragonBoard or other ‘Linux with GPIO pins available’ single board computers.

We decided to try getting Blinka running in the Jetson Nano Developer Kit because that’s the recommended installation available for the Jetson Nano. Other distros could be made to work but you’d probably need to figure out how to detect the platform. Using other operating systems and CircuitPython is your call, we cannot provide support for that.

We’re adding new boards to Blinka all the time. If there’s a board you would like to have added to Blinka, please file it as an issue on the Blinka Repository on Github or even better, submit a Pull Request.

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