Dnsdmpstr - Unofficial Api & Customer For Dnsdumpster.Com In Addition To Hackertarget.Com

Unofficial API & Client for DNS Dumpster together with HackerTarget.com IP tools.

git clone https://github.com/zeropwn/dnsdmpstr cd dnsdmpstr pip3 install -r requirements.txt chmod +x ddump.py


As a command-line utility
target="hackerone.com" python3 ddump.py -u $target --all

Extended usage
usage: ddump.py [-h] [-u U] [-a] [-r] [-d] [-dd] [--links] [--headers] [--all]  optional arguments:   -h, --help  exhibit this assistance message together with cash inward one's chips   -u U        target domain   -a          host search (DNS H5N1 Record lookup)   -r          contrary dns lookup (accepts IP, IP make or domain name)   -d          dns lookup   -dd         classical dns dump format   --links     select grip of page links from url   --headers   select grip of http headers from url   --all       select grip of all information available

As a library
import dnsdmpstr  target = "hackerone.com"  dnsdump = dnsdmpstr() print(json.dumps(dnsdump.dump(target), indent=1)) print(dnsdump.hostsearch(target)) print(dnsdump.reversedns(target)) print(dnsdump.dnslookup(target)) print(dnsdump.pagelinks(target)) print(dnsdump.httpheaders(target))