DVD Player: Explaining Parts and What Is Worth Salvaging #Teardown


Are DVD players vintage yet? I got a dvd recently and only realized after the fact that I didn’t have any way to watch it. If you have an old broken machine check out this Instructable to see if there are any parts you want to harvest:

Today we’ll take a look at this old DVD player. It was not working properly so I decided to open it and see whats inside. The problem was that it was constantly opening and closing and it didn’t want to read from the disc. I will explain the basics of the working principle of this DVD player and what is worth salvaging from it.

WARNING: The power supply is connected to mains; it contains capacitor which can stay charged even after you disconnect it from mains; I’m not responsible for any damage you make.

This SMPS is relatively good and definitely worth salvaging. It can be used to power many modern appliances because it has +/-12V, 5V and ground so you can combine them and than you have 5V, 7V, 12V and 24V difference in potentials.

Learn more!

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