Exrex - Irregular Methods On Regular Expressions

Exrex is a command line tool too python module that generates all - or random - matching strings to a given regular aspect too more. It's pure python, without external dependencies.
There are regular expressions alongside interplanetary space matching strings (eg.: [a-z]+), inwards these cases exrex limits the maximum length of the interplanetary space parts.
Exrex uses generators, too then the retention usage does non depend on the break of matching strings.

  • Generating all matching strings
  • Generating a random matching string
  • Counting the break of matching strings
  • Simplification of regular expressions

To install exrex, simply:
$ pip install exrex
$ easy_install exrex


as python module
>>> import exrex  >>> exrex.getone('(ex)r\\1') 'exrex'  >>> list(exrex.generate('((hai){2}|world!)')) ['haihai', 'world!']  >>> exrex.getone('\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}-[0-9]{4}') '3096-7886-2834-5671'  >>> exrex.getone('(1[0-2]|0[1-9])(:[0-5]\d){2} (A|P)M') '09:31:40 AM'  >>> exrex.count('[01]{0,9}') 1023  >>> impress '\n'.join(exrex.generate('This is (a (code|cake|test)|an (apple|elf|output))\.')) This is a code. This is a cake. This is a test. This is an apple. This is an elf. This is an output.  >>> impress exrex.simplify('(ab|ac|ad)') (a[bcd])

Command work usage
> exrex --help usage: exrex.py [-h] [-o FILE] [-l] [-d DELIMITER] [-v] REGEX  exrex - regular aspect string generator  positional arguments:   REGEX                 REGEX string  optional arguments:   -h, --help            present this assistance message too choke   -o FILE, --output FILE                         Output file - default is STDOUT   -l N, --limit northward       Max bound for arrive at size - default is twenty   -c, --count           Count matching strings   -m N, --max-number northward  Max break of strings - default is -1   -r, --random          Returns a random string that matches to the regex   -s, --simplify        Simplifies a regular aspect   -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER                         Delimiter - default is \n   -v, --verbose         Verbose mode
$ exrex '[asdfg]' a second d f g  $ exrex -r '(0[1-9]|1[012])-\d{2}' 09-85  $ exrex '[01]{10}' -c 1024 

  • Boat: exrex '( {20}(\| *\\|-{22}|\|)|\.={50}| ( ){0,5}\\\.| {12} {39})'
  • Eyes: exrex '(o|O|0)(_)(o|O|0)'

Similar projects
Tools that generate a listing of all possible strings that check a given pattern:
  • regldg (features a alive demo on the website)
  • regex-genex (supports using multiple regex patterns simultaneously)
Tools that generate random strings, i yesteryear one, that check a given pattern:
  • randexp.js (features several alive demos on the website)
  • rstr.xeger (a method of the rstr Python module)

  • python -m cProfile exrex.py '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]' -o /dev/null
  • python -m cProfile exrex.py '[0-9]{6}' -o /dev/null