Hatch - Tool To Animal Strength Almost Websites

Hatch is a brute force tool that is used to animate beingness forcefulness nearly websites

Installation Instructions
git clone https://github.com/MetaChar/Hatch python2 main.py

pip2 install selenium pip2 install pyvirtualdisplay pip2 install requests sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr
chrome driver as well as chrome are also required! link to chrome driver: http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads re-create it to bin!

How to operate (text)
1). Find a website alongside a login page
2). Inspect chemical ingredient to detect the Selector of the username form
3). Do the same for the password field
4). The the login form
5). When Asked seat inward the username to animate beingness force
6). Watch it go!

How to operate (Video)