Hubble Just Captured a Breathtaking New Image of Saturn and It Barely Looks Real

Hubble has captured a new image of Saturn that makes you wonder if it's even real. The image is so crisp it makes it look like Saturn is just floating in space. Which it is.
This image of the ringed-planet was captured when Saturn was at its closest to Earth, some 1.36 billion km away (845 million miles) on June 20th, 2019. The crisp image was captured with Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3.)
(NASA/ESA, A. Simon/GSFC/M.H. Wong/University of California, Berkeley/OPAL Team)Saturn always looks so placid. Stately, even. But closer inspection reveals a lot going on there. When we think of storms and gas giants, we usually think of Jupiter, with its prominent horizontal storm bands, and of course, the Great Red Spot. But Saturn is a very active, stormy planet as well.
But some features have persisted.
Cassini spotted the hexagonal storm at Saturn's north pole, and that storm is still there. In fact, the Voyager 1 spacecraft was first to spot that feature back in 1981.
Saturn's northern polar vortex captured by Cassini. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.)Mostly though, this new Hubble image of Saturn is just beautiful. Even if you knew nothing about Saturn, its beauty would draw you in.
Composite photo from 2018 showing six of Saturn's moons (NASA/ESA/ A. Simon/GSFC/OPAL/J. DePasquale/STScI)NASA also released an annotated, more informational version of the Hubble image.
The latest image showing four of Saturn's moons. (NASA/ESA/A. Simon/Goddard Space Flight Center/M.H. Wong/OPAL Team)NASA also released a time-lapse video of Hubble images of Saturn. It shows the moons, or at least a few of Saturn's 60+ moons, as they orbit around the gas giant. It's made up of 33 separate images taken on June 19th and 20th, 2019.
And this:
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