Issue 23 – HackSpace magazine: Send data with If This Then That – Control almost anything with CircuitPython by @ben_everard @HackSpaceMag @circuitpython @IFTTT #IFTTT



Issue 23 – HackSpace magazine: Send data with If This Then That – Control almost anything with CircuitPython by Ben Everard

“If This Then That (IFTTT) is a really simple bit of glue that lets you link a condition with an action, both of which are taken from web services. All IFTTT applets are in the format If ‘condition’ then ‘action’. This simple form is surprisingly powerful because it’s linked to a huge number of internet services and web-connected devices. The sheer range of services that can link together, and the fact that everything can be configured by clicking on things in a website, make it a great platform for basic Internet of Things devices and experiments.”

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