Kali Linux 2019.3 is Release and Available for Download

Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution with a collection of security and forensics tools. The project's latest snapshot is Kali Linux 2019.3 which includes updates kernel packages, improved ARM support and meta-packages for better control over which tools are installed in an environment.

This release brings our kernel up to version 5.2.9, and includes various new features across the board with NetHunter, ARM and packages (plus the normal bugs fixes and updates).​

Tool Updates & New Packages

As always, we have our updates for all our tools, including (but not limited to):​
  • Burp Suite
  • HostAPd-WPE
  • Hyperion
  • Kismet
  • Nmap
​There is a new tool (and it is included by default), amass, that has been well received in the bug bounty world.

NetHunter Updates

The NetHunter crew has been adding in features left, right, and center to their project. One thing to note is package management is done through the F-Droid compatible NetHunter store, so you can even choose to have a NetHunter device without any Google Play.

​The proxmark3 client supports RDV4 out of the box and NetHunter now also works with Android’s new partition layouts (A/B partitions no longer have one boot partition and one recovery partition. They are all the same, but twice! A few paths have also changed, such as /system now actually being under /system/system), which allows it to be built for the latest generation of devices.

Plus, there are new apps in the NetHunter app store, thanks to @mayank_metha for Rucky and the Termux team for Termux.

There are 4 additional images for you to try NetHunter on (some may look familiar, as they are back due to community demand):​
  • LG V20 International Edition
  • Nexus 5X
  • Nexus 10
  • OnePlus 7 (Our new flagship device!)

With this announcement, the OnePlus 7 is now the phone we recommend for Kali NetHunter. It is the latest and greatest flagship device for half the price of other devices. The specifications are as follows:
  • Snapdragon 855
  • 8GB RAM
  • 256GB storage
  • Still cheaper than Google pixel 3a (mid-range phone!) ;)

Download Kali Linux 2019.3

If you would like to check out the latest Kali release, you can find the download links for ISOs and Torrents on the Kali Downloads page along with links to the Offensive Security virtual machine and ARM images, which have also been updated to 2019.3. If you already have a Kali installation you’re happy with, you can easily upgrade in place as follows.​

root@kali:~# apt update && apt -y full-upgrade
Ensuring your Installation is Updated

To double check your version, first make sure your Kali package repositories are correct:​

root@kali:~# cat </etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
root@kali:~# apt update

Afterwards run apt -y full-upgrade, you may require a reboot (if the kernel got upgraded):​

root@kali:~# apt -y full-upgrade
root@kali:~# [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] && reboot -f

You should now be on Kali Linux 2019.3. We can do a quick check by doing:

root@kali:~# grep VERSION /etc/os-release
root@kali:~# uname -v
#1 SMP Debian 5.2.9-2kali1 (2019-08-22)
root@kali:~# uname -r
NOTE: The output of uname -r may be different depending on architecture.

More : https://www.kali.org/releases/kali-linux-2019-3-release/

Download (SHA256) (pkglist):
kali-linux-2019.3-amd64.iso (2,897MB)
kali-linux-large-2019.3-amd64.iso (3,542MB)
kali-linux-light-2019.3-amd64.iso (1,044MB).