Mad-Metasploit - Metasploit Custom Modules, Plugins & Resources Scripts

Metasploit custom modules, plugins, resources script and.. awesome metasploit collection

opened upwards

Add mad-metasploit to metasploit framework
  1. config your metasploit-framework directory
$ vim config/config.rb
$metasploit_path = '/opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/' #                    /usr/share/metasploit-framework
2-A. Interactive Mode
$ ./mad-metasploit
2-B. Commandline Mode(preset all)
$ ./mad-metasploit [-a/-y/--all/--yes]

Use custom modules
search auxiliary/exploits, other..
HAHWUL > search springboot  Matching Modules ================     Name                                          Disclosure Date  Rank    Check  Description    ----                                          ---------------  ----    -----  -----------    auxiliary/mad_metasploit/springboot_actuator                   normal  No     Springboot actuator cheque 

Use custom plugins
charge mad-metasploit/{plugins} inward msfconsole
HAHWUL > charge mad-metasploit/db_autopwn [*] Successfully loaded plugin: db_autopwn  HAHWUL > db_autopwn [-] The db_autopwn ascendancy is DEPRECATED [-] See instead [*] Usage: db_autopwn [options]  -h          Display this attention text  -t          Show all matching exploit modules  -x          Select modules based on vulnerability references  -p          Select modules based on opened upwards ports  -e          Launch exploits against all matched targets  -r          Use a contrary connect crunch  -b          Use a bind crunch on a random port (default)  -q          Disable exploit module output  -R  [rank]  Only run modules alongside a minimal grade  -I  [range] Only exploit hosts within this hit  -X  [range] Always exclude hosts within this hit  -PI [range] Only exploit hosts alongside these ports opened upwards  -PX [range] Always exclude hosts alongside these ports opened upwards  -m  [regex] Only run modules whose cite matches the regex  -T  [secs]  Maximum runtime for whatever exploit inward seconds   etc...
List of
mad-metasploit/db_autopwn mad-metasploit/arachni mad-metasploit/meta_ssh mad-metasploit/db_exploit

Use Resource-scripts
 #> msfconsole   MSF> charge alias  MSF> alias ahosts 'resource /mad-metasploit/resource-script/ahosts.rc'   MSF> ahosts  [Custom command!]
List of rs
ahosts.rc cache_bomb.rb feed.rc getdomains.rb getsessions.rb ie_hashgrab.rb listdrives.rb loggedon.rb runon_netview.rb search_hash_creds.rc virusscan_bypass8_8.rb

Archive(Informal metasploit modules)
archive/ └── exploits     ├── aix     │   ├── dos     │   │   ├── 16657.rb     │   │   └── 16929.rb     │   ├── local     │   │   └── 16659.rb     │   └── remote     │       └── 16930.rb     ├── android     │   ├── local     │   │   ├── 40504.rb     │   │   ├── 40975.rb     │   │   └── 41675.rb     │   └── remote     │       ├── 35282.rb     │       ├── 39328.rb     │       ├── 40436.rb     │       └── 43376.rb .....

Patch mad-metasploit-archive
 #> ln -s mad-metasploit-archive /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploit/mad-metasploit-arvhice  #> msfconsole   MSF> search [string!]  ..  exploit/multi/     exploit/mad-metasploit-arvhice/[custom-script!!]  ..    

How to update?
$ ./mad-metasploit -u
$ ruby auto_archive.rb  or   $ ./mad-metasploit [+] Sync Mad-Metasploit Modules/Plugins/Resource-Script to Metasploit-framework [+] Metasploit-framewrk directory: /opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/     (set ./conf/config.rb) [*] Update archive(Those that are non added equally msf)? [y/N] y [-] Download index data..

How to take away mad-metasploit?
$ ./mad-metasploit -r   or  $ ./mad-metasploit --remove

Hello world..!
 $ git clone
Add to Custom code
./mad-metasploit-modules  + exploit  + auxiliray   + etc.. ./mad-metasploit-plugins ./mad-metasploit-resource-script
New Idea resultant > thought tag

Bug reports as well as line requests are welcome on GitHub. (This projection is intended to last a safe)