Malboxes - Builds Malware Analysis Windows Vms Together With Therefore That Y'all Don't Bring To

Builds malware analysis Windows virtual machines therefore that y'all don’t convey to.

Minimum specs for the construct machine
  • At to the lowest degree five GB of RAM
  • VT-X extensions strongly recommended


dnf install ruby-devel gcc-c++ zlib-devel vagrant plugin install winrm winrm-fs


apt install vagrant git python3-pip


  • Install git, vagrant as well as packer using your distribution’s packaging tool (packer is sometimes called packer-io)
  • pip install malboxes:
    sudo pip3 install git+
Starting amongst Windows 10 Hyper-V is e'er running below the operating system. Since VT-X needs to hold out operated solely yesteryear exactly i Hypervisor this causes VirtualBox (and malboxes) to fail. To disable Hyper-V as well as allow VirtualBox to run, consequence the next ascendency inwards an administrative ascendency prompt therefore reboot: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

Using Chocolatey

The next steps assume that y'all convey Chocolatey installed. Otherwise, follow the manual installation procedure.
  • Install dependencies:
    choco install python vagrant packer git virtualbox
  • Refresh the console
  • Install malboxes:
    pip3 install setuptools pip3 install -U git+
  • Install VirtualBox, Vagrant as well as git
  • Install Packer, driblet the packer binary inwards a folder inwards your user’s PATH similar C:\Windows\System32\
  • Install Python 3 (make certain to add together Python to your surround variables)
  • Open a console (Windows-Key + cmd)
    pip3 install setuptools pip3 install -U git+

Box creation

This creates your base of operations box that is imported inwards Vagrant. Afterwards y'all tin strength out re-use the same box several times per sample analysis.
malboxes construct