Most Powerful Women – Fortune #FortuneMPW @FortuneMagazine


Most Powerful Women @ Fortune

This is the 22nd year we’ve published Fortune’s Most Powerful Women in Business list. Our 2019 ranking is comprised of more CEOs, more promotions, and more competition than ever. It includes ten newcomers—most of them chief executives. In fact, there were so many qualified candidates that even a few of the record 36 female CEOs in the Fortune 500 didn’t make the cut.

That’s not to say that equality has arrived in the business world. Finance is one of the most represented industries on this year’s list (with three execs from JPMorgan Chase alone), but the sector has yet to see a woman at the head of a major U.S. bank. And despite the rise of CEOs like Flex’s Revathi Advaithi and AMD’s Lisa Su, women of color remain depressingly rare in the highest of corner offices. But as the 50 execs on this year’s list prove, women now hold more corporate power than ever before—and they’re not afraid to wield it.

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