National Day of Civic Hacking 2019 @CodeforAmerica #NDoCH

via Code for America

For this year’s National Day we’re all coming together in collective action and focusing our efforts to help some of the 77 million people in the United States impacted directly by the criminal justice system.
National Day coincides with National Expungement Week, an effort led by community-based organizations across the country to help people begin the process of clearing their criminal records. This is a great opportunity to work with partners who are already doing this important work and lift up their voices in our communities, while being part of an effort to transform the record clearance landscape by expanding, streamlining, and automating the process.

At its roots, National Day of Civic Hacking is about making our communities better. We’re honing in on record clearance this year, but all events are welcome under our umbrella!

Learn more!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!