OpenCV – Stream video to web browser/HTML page @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Opencv stream video flask browser video surveillance result 03

Great tutorial by Adrian Rosebrock up on PyImageSearch.

In this tutorial you will learn how to use OpenCV to stream video from a webcam to a web browser/HTML page using Flask and Python.

Ever have your car stolen?

Mine was stolen over the weekend. And let me tell you, I’m pissed.

I can’t share too many details as it’s an active criminal investigation, but here’s what I can tell you:

My wife and I moved to Philadelphia, PA from Norwalk, CT about six months ago. I have a car, which I don’t drive often, but still keep just in case of emergencies.

Parking is hard to find in our neighborhood, so I was in need of a parking garage.

I heard about a garage, signed up, and started parking my car there.

Fast forward to this past Sunday.

Read more.

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