RetroShield Emulates Classic 8-Bit Computers with hardware #VintageComputing #History #Emulation #AppleI #Z80 @hacksterio @8bitforce

Via, the RetroShield emulates classic 8-bit computers when attached to an Arduino Mega compatible. Available daughtercards can socket 8-bit microprocessors such as the 6502, Z80, or 6809.

The Arduino Mega emulates the RAM, ROM, and I/O devices. It also provides a terminal connection back to the host PC. With this combination, it is possible to emulate vintage computers such as the Apple I or Commodore 64.

Emulated clock speeds are well below the original ~1 MHz with a Mega. Instead, think of this platform as “wire-wrapping in software.”

The RetroShield is developed by Erturk Kocalar of 8 Bit Force and sells for $18 (unassembled.) The kit includes a daughtercard, a socket, header pins, and an LED along with a 6502, Z80, or 6809.

With an Arduino Mega, the emulated RAM runs out quickly on more but the basic assembly program.

Find more information on the RetroShield over on 8 Bit Force’s Tindie store. Read more in the article here.

Adafruit note: this looks like an excellent project to try the Adafruit Grand Central board (with and without headers):

Perhaps a Grand Central can approach original processor speeds? We’d like to see!

Kit Contents for the RetroShield6502, it is a pcb, processor, socket, and header