Salt - Slub Allocator Tracer For The Linux Kernel

Welcome to salt, a tool to reverse in addition to larn meat heap retentiveness management. It tin hold upwards useful to prepare an exploit, to debug your ain meat code, and, to a greater extent than importantly, to play amongst the meat heap allocations in addition to larn its inner workings.

This tool helps tracing allocations in addition to the electrical flow state of the SLUB allocator inwards modern linux kernels.
It is written every bit a gdb plugin, in addition to it allows y'all to trace in addition to record retentiveness allocations in addition to to filter them yesteryear procedure mention or yesteryear cache. The tool tin also dump the listing of active caches in addition to impress relevant information.
This repository also includes a playground loadable meat module that tin trigger allocations in addition to deallocations at will, to serve both every bit a debugging tool in addition to every bit a learning tool to amend empathise how the allocator works.
More information almost the inner workings of the SLUB allocator, how to get started, the detailed documentation of the plugin, in addition to notes on the playground module tin hold upwards flora inwards the docs folder.
Here is the sum listing of commands:
> tabular array salt assist Possible commands:  filter -- handle filtering features yesteryear adding amongst 1 of the next arguments        enable -- enable filtering. Only information almost filtered processes volition hold upwards displayed        disable -- disable filtering. Information almost all processes volition hold upwards displayed.        status -- display electrical flow filtering parameters        add together process/cache -- add together 1 or to a greater extent than filtering atmospheric condition        take away process/cache -- take away 1 or to a greater extent than filtering atmospheric condition        gear upwards -- specify complex filtering rules. The supported syntax is "salt filter gear upwards (cache1 or cache2) in addition to (process1 or process2)".        Some variations mightiness hold upwards accepted. Checking amongst "salt filter status" is recommended. For simpler rules role "salt filter add".   tape -- handle recording features yesteryear adding amongst 1 of the next arguments        on -- enable recording. Information almost filtered processes volition hold upwards added to the history        off -- disable recording.        demo -- display the recorded history        clear -- delete the recorded history  delineate  -- reset all filters in addition to configure filtering for a specific procedure  walk -- navigate all active caches in addition to impress relevant information  walk_html -- navigate all active caches in addition to generate relevant information inwards html format  walk_json -- navigate all active caches in addition to generate relevant information inwards json format  assist -- display this message 
This projection was developed at EURECOM every bit a semester projection for Spring 2018.
Many thank y'all to my supervisors Yanick, Fabio, Emanuele, Dario, Marius, in addition to to the balance of the S3 team that helped in addition to followed me.

Additional Resources
Perla E, Oldani one one thousand (2010) - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Guide to Kernel Exploitation: Attacking the Core
Christopher Lameter - Slab allocators inwards the linux kernel