Star Wars Theme Played by a LEGO Droid Orchestra with Real Instruments #MusicMonday

Here’s what happens when LEGO and Star Wars pair up with our favortie madman music maker LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER – via Slashfilm

LEGO teamed up with British musician Sam Battle (aka Look Mum No Computer), famous for using toys and other common household items to create music in interesting ways, to create a 95-piece orchestra composed of LEGO droids from the building brick company’s recent Droid Commander line. Why? So the LEGO droids play the Star Wars theme, of course.

The mechanisms created to have all of these droids play 42 instruments is truly impressive. Using 46 R2-D2, droids, 25 GONK droids, 24 Mouse droids, 30 iPads and 3,148 hours of creation, LEGO and Sam Battle pulled off quite the fun stint here. All the droids are managed at a station that looks like the work of a mad scientist (which Sam Battle seems to be, honestly).

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