Tidos-Framework V1.7 - The Offensive Manual Spider Web Application Penetration Testing Framework

TIDoS Framework is a comprehensive web-app audit framework. let's proceed this simple

Highlights :-
The top dog highlights of this framework is:
  • TIDoS Framework straight off boasts of a century+ of modules.
  • A consummate versatile framework to comprehend upward everything from Reconnaissance to Vulnerability Analysis.
  • Has five top dog phases, subdivided into 14 sub-phases consisting a total of 104 modules.
  • Reconnaissance Phase has 48 modules of its ain (including active together with passive recon, information disclosure modules).
  • Scanning & Enumeration Phase has got xv modules (including port scans, WAF analysis, etc)
  • Vulnerability Analysis Phase has 36 modules (including most mutual vulnerabilites inward action).
  • Exploits Castle has alone 1 exploit. (purely developmental)
  • And finally, Auxillaries bring got 4 modules. under dev.
  • All iv phases each bring a Auto-Awesome module which automates every module for you.
  • You simply demand the domain, together with locomote out everything is to this tool.
  • TIDoS has total verbose out support, together with then you'll know whats going on.
  • Fully user friendly interaction environment. (no shits)

Installation :
  • Clone the repository locally together with navigate there:
git clone https://github.com/theinfecteddrake/tidos-framework.git cd tidos-framework
  • Install the dependencies:
chmod +x install ./install

Thats it! Now yous are skilful to go! Now lets run the tool:

Getting Started :-
TIDoS is made to last comprehensive together with versatile. It is a highly flexible framework where yous simply bring to conduct together with usage modules.
But earlier that, yous demand to ready your ain API KEYS for diverse OSINT purposes. To create so, opened upward up API_KEYS.py nether files/ directory together with ready your ain keys together with access tokens for SHODAN, CENSYS, FULL CONTACT, GOOGLE together with WHATCMS. Public API KEYS together with ACCESS TOKENS for SHODAN together with WHATCMS bring been provided amongst the TIDoS unloosen itself. You tin give the sack nonetheless add together your own... no harm!
Finally, equally the framework opens up, locomote into the website refer eg. http://www.example.com together with allow TIDoS Pb you. Thats it! Its equally slow equally that.
  • Follow the enterprise of the tool (Run inward a schematic way).
    Reconnaissance ➣ Scanning & Enumeration ➣ Vulnerability Analysis
To update this tool, usage tidos_updater.py module nether tools/ folder.

Flawless Features :-
TIDoS Framework shortly supports the following: and is nether active development
  • Reconnaissance + OSINT
    • Passive Reconnaissance:
      • Nping Enumeration Via external APi
      • WhoIS Lookup Domain information gathering
      • GeoIP Lookup Pinpoint physical location
      • DNS Configuration Lookup DNSDump
      • Subdomains Lookup Indexed ones
      • Reverse DNS Lookup Host Instances
      • Reverse IP Lookup Hosts on same server
      • Subnets Enumeration Class Based
      • Domain IP History IP Instances
      • Web Links Gatherer Indexed ones
      • Google Search Manual search
      • Google Dorking (multiple modules) Automated
      • Email to Domain Resolver Email WhoIs
      • Wayback Machine Lookups Find Backups
      • Breached Email Check Pwned Email Accounts
      • Enumeration via Google Groups Emails Only
      • Check Alias Availability Social Networks
      • Find PasteBin Posts Domain Based
      • LinkedIn Gathering Employees & Company
      • Google Plus Gathering Domain Profiles
      • Public Contact Info Scraping FULL CONTACT
      • Censys Intel Gathering Domain Based
      • Threat Intelligence Gathering Bad IPs
    • Active Reconnaissance
      • Ping Enumeration Advanced
      • CMS Detection (185+ CMSs supported) IMPROVED
      • Advanced Traceroute IMPROVED
      • robots.txt together with sitemap.xml Checker
      • Grab HTTP Headers Live Capture
      • Find HTTP Methods Allowed via OPTIONS
      • Detect Server Type IMPROVED
      • Examine SSL Certificate Absolute
      • Apache Status Disclosure Checks File Based
      • WebDAV HTTP Enumeration PROFIND & SEARCH
      • PHPInfo File Enumeration via Bruteforce
      • Comments Scraper Regex Based
      • Find Shared DNS Hosts Name Server Based
      • Alternate Sites Discovery User-Agent Based
      • Discover Interesting Files via Bruteforce
        • Common Backdoor Locations shells, etc.
        • Common Backup Locations .bak, .db, etc.
        • Common Password Locations .pgp, .skr, etc.
        • Common Proxy Path Configs. .pac, etc.
        • Common Dot Files .htaccess, .apache, etc
    • Information Disclosure
      • Credit Cards Disclosure If Plaintext
      • Email Harvester IMPROVED
      • Fatal Errors Enumeration Includes Full Path Disclosure
      • Internal IP Disclosure Signature Based
      • Phone Number Havester Signature Based
      • Social Security Number Harvester US Ones
  • Scanning & Enumeration
    • Remote Server WAF Enumeration Generic 54 WAFs
    • Port Scanning Ingenious Modules
      • Simple Port Scanner via Socket Connections
      • TCP SYN Scan Highly reliable
      • TCP Connect Scan Highly Reliable
      • XMAS Flag Scan Reliable Only inward LANs
      • Fin Flag Scan Reliable Only inward LANs
      • Port Service Detector
    • Web Technology Enumeration Absolute
    • Operating System Fingerprinting IMPROVED
    • Banner Grabbing of Services via Open Ports
    • Interactive Scanning amongst NMap 16 preloaded modules
    • Enumeration Domain-Linked IPs Using CENSYS Database
    • Web together with Links Crawlers
      • Depth 1 Indexed Uri Crawler
      • Depth 2 Single Page Crawler
      • Depth three Web Link Crawler
  • Vulnerability Analysis
    Web-Bugs & Server Misconfigurations
    • Insecure CORS Absolute
    • Same-Site Scripting Sub-domain based
    • Zone Transfer DNS Server based
    • Clickjacking
      • Frame-Busting Checks
      • X-FRAME-OPTIONS Header Checks
    • Security on Cookies
      • HTTPOnly Flag
      • Secure Flag
    • Cloudflare Misconfiguration Check
      • DNS Misconfiguration Checks
      • Online Database Lookup For Breaches
    • HTTP Strict Transport Security Usage
      • HTTPS Enabled but no HSTS
    • Domain Based Email Spoofing
      • Missing SPF Records
      • Missing DMARC Records
    • Host Header Injection
      • Port Based Over HTTP 80
      • X-Forwarded-For Header Injection
    • Security Headers Analysis Live Capture
    • Cross-Site Tracing HTTP TRACE Method
    • Session Fixation via Cookie Injection
    • Network Security Misconfig.
      • Checks for TELNET Enabled via Port 23
    Serious Web Vulnerabilities
    • File Inclusions
      • Local File Inclusion (LFI) Param based
      • Remote File Inclusion (RFI) IMPROVED
        • Parameter Based
        • Pre-loaded Path Based
    • OS Command Injection Linux & Windows (RCE)
    • Path Traversal (Sensitive Paths)
    • Cross-Site Request Forgery Absolute
    • SQL Injection
      • Error Based Injection
        • Cookie Value Based
        • Referer Value Based
        • User-Agent Value Based
        • Auto-gathering IMPROVED
      • Blind Based Injection Crafted Payloads
        • Cookie Value Based
        • Referer Value Based
        • User-Agent Value Based
        • Auto-gathering IMPROVED
    • LDAP Injection Parameter Based
    • HTML Injection Parameter Based
    • Bash Command Injection ShellShock
    • XPATH Injection Parameter Based
    • Cross-Site Scripting IMPROVED
      • Cookie Value Based
      • Referer Value Based
      • User-Agent Value Based
      • Parameter Value Based Manual
    • Unvalidated URL Forwards Open Redirect
    • PHP Code Injection Windows + Linux
    • HTTP Response Splitting CRLF Injection
      • User-Agent Value Based
      • Parameter value Based Manual
    • Sub-domain Takeover 50+ Services
      • Single Sub-domain Manual
      • All Subdomains Automated
    • PlainText Protocol Default Credential Bruteforce
      • FTP Protocol Bruteforce
      • SSH Protocol Bruteforce
      • POP 2/3 Protocol Bruteforce
      • SQL Protocol Bruteforce
      • XMPP Protocol Bruteforce
      • SMTP Protocol Bruteforce
      • TELNET Protocol Bruteforce
  • Auxillary Modules
    • Hash Generator MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512
    • String & Payload Encoder 7 Categories
    • Forensic Image Analysis Metadata Extraction
    • Web HoneyPot Probability ShodanLabs HoneyScore
  • Exploitation purely developmental
    • ShellShock

Other Tools:
  • net_info.py - Displays information close your network. Located nether tools/.
  • tidos_updater.py - Updates the framework to the latest unloosen via signature matching. Located nether `tools/'.

TIDoS In Action:

v1.7 [latest release] [#stable]

These are about modules which I bring idea of adding:
  • Some to a greater extent than of Enumeraton & Information Disclosure modules.
  • Lots to a greater extent than of OSINT & Stuff (let that last a suspense).
  • More of Auxillary Modules.
  • Some Exploits are besides existence worked on.

  • Working on a full-featured Web UI implementation on Flask together with MongoDB together with Node.js.
  • Working on a novel framework, a existent framework. To last released amongst v2
  • Working on a motility characteristic + add-on of arguments.
  • Normal Bug Fixing Stuffs. As per the issues existence raised
  • Some other perks:
    • Working on a agency for contributing novel modules easily.
    • A consummate novel method of multi-threaded fuzzing of parameters.
    • Keeping improve of novel console stuff.