UPDATED GUIDE: Adafruit ATECC608 Breakout #AdafruitLearningSystem #Cryptography #CircuitPython @Adafruit @MicrochipTech

Updated Guide in the Adafruit Learning System: Adafruit ATECC608 Breakout

The ATECC608 is the latest crypto-auth chip from Microchip, and it uses I2C to send/receive commands. Once you ‘lock’ the chip with your details, you can use it for ECDH and AES-128 encrypt/decrypt/signing. There’s also hardware support for random number generation, and SHA-256/HMAC hash functions to greatly speed up a slower micro’s cryptography commands.

We’ve updated this guide to include instructions for wiring and using our new Adafruit CircuitPython ATECC library. This library can interface with your ATECC608 breakout and perform AES-128 signing, random number generation, SHA-256 hashing, Certificate Signing Request generation and more!

Read the updated guide here >>>