WPMU DEV Ning To BuddyPress User Importer - v1.2.2 NULLED
WPMU DEV Ning To BuddyPress User Importer - v1.2.2

Allows you to do a full import of a Ning network’s users, their custom profile fields, and avatars to BuddyPress.
Full support for very large member lists via optional FTP upload and batch processing. Import a Ning network’s users, custom profile fields and avatars to BuddyPress.
Ning to BuddyPress makes it easy for you to leave Ning for a brand new adventure using the awesome free WordPress community plugin, BuddyPress.
This plugin is designed to fully import all of a Ning network’s users, their custom profile fields, and avatars to BuddyPress.
It just works
Following the simple install all you need to do is activate the Ning to BuddyPress User Importer plugin. Your new “Ning Importer” under the BuddyPress menu item means you are all set.
Import users with confidence
While members are being imported the plugin displays a user-friendly status page with a nifty list of user avatars, details, and current progress as the import page refreshes and processes the import file in batches of 5 members.
Share the exciting news
And as an awesome last touch, all imported members will receive a fully customizable introduction email with their login link, username and password. And for big Ning member lists, upload the file via FTP and Ning to BuddyPress will use the file for the import–transfer thousands of members. Enjoy all the control, functionality and power that a BuddyPress community provides.
DEMO WPMU DEV Ning To BuddyPress User Importer v1.2.2
Demo and More Info
WPMU DEV Ning To BuddyPress User Importer - v1.2.2 NULLED FREE DOWNLOAD

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