A Belated Happy Birthday to MQTT #IoTuesday #MQTT @andysc @IBM @arlennipper

Yesterday, 20 years ago, the first version of the MQTT was published:

As of last April, OASIS published the fifth version of this protocol named MQTT v5.0. MQTT v5 adds new load balancing techniques and enhanced error reporting among other things.

Here at Adafruit, we’re big fans of this stateful, low-bandwidth, pubsub protocol.

We wrote an Arduino library to add MQTT support to platforms such as the ESP8266, Arduino Yun, Adafruit FONA and more:


Our free internet-of-things-service, Adafruit.io, communicates with thousands of devices using a powerful MQTT API.

As of this past summer, CircuitPython received its own MQTT library called MiniMQTT! We have a guide about it here. CircuitPython cloud-service provider libraries such as Adafruit IO, Google Cloud IoT Core, and Amazon AWS IoT utilize this library “under-the-hood”.

Thanks @andysc, @ibm and @arlennipper for publishing the internet-of-thing’s favorite protocol!