A slack bot, to automate your office using a Raspberry Pi

Slack Bot with internet of things

This is a project of a slack bot, to automate your office/room/lab using some Raspberry Pi GPIO pins.

Usage: Youtube

Set up your slack workspace

Go to https://slack.com/ . First you'll need to create a new slack workspace to use in this project(or just get the API token from a existing bot in the workspace). Then, go to https://my.slack.com/services/new/bot and choose a username for your bot.

After submit, we now have an API key. Copy this somewhere we'll need later.

api key example


Now, on your Pi you'll need to install some dependencies:

  • Python3
  • pip3
  • python3-rpi.gpio
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-dev python3-rpi.gpio -y 

And then some packages:

pip3 install slackclient 
pip3 install psutil 

And download the repository:

git clone https://github.com/vitor-veras/slackbot_iot.git 

Configuring the python file

After downloading slackbot_iot.py file there's some things you'll need to adapt to your bot, like your API token that we generated earlier.

slack_client = SlackClient("your-api-token-here") 

In this next step, we fetch our bot User ID. We will use this later to know when somebody is talking to our bot. We keep it in slack_user_id.

user_list = slack_client.api_call("users.list") for user in user_list.get('members'): if user.get('name') == "your-bot-name": slack_user_id = user.get('id') break 


Now you can personalize your bot with some GPIO pins(any doubts about GPIO pins go to RPI.GPIO Documentation):

from slackclient import SlackClient #GPIO SETUP GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(8,GPIO.OUT) 

And some methods:

def lightOn(): GPIO.output(8, 1) print ("light on!") def lightOff(): GPIO.output(8, 0) print ("light off!") 

And then link the methods you've created to the bot's matching text part.

if re.match(r'.*(light off).*', message_text, re.IGNORECASE): //words you want your bot to recognize lightOff() //the gpio method to execute slack_client.api_call( "chat.postMessage", channel=message['channel'], text="Light off!", //bot response as_user=True) 

Now, run it!

python3 slackbot_iot.py 


Physical gpio setup example

This is an example configuration, of how you can use the GPIO pins to turn on a Led.

I'm using a Raspberry Pi B+ model 1 and the GPIO pins 6(Ground) and 8(GPIO). All the pins of this Raspberry that i'm using can be found in this picture: gpio-pin

Now a picture of the physical setup:

Raspberry Pi + relay board with a Led


More information about the relay board can be found on relay-board


Some useful links :)

Credits to : http://blog.benjie.me/building-a-slack-bot-to-talk-with-a-raspberry-pi/





from Hacker News https://github.com/vitorverasm/slackbot-iot