A Star Trek-style warp drive just became a bit less impossible #StarTrek #WarpDrive @SYFYWIRE

SyFyWire reports about a University of Huntsville speech that the energy to travel faster than light might not be more than the power in the entire universe.

Undergraduate researcher Joseph Agnew of the University of Alabama Huntsville, recently spoke about the possibility of warping spacetime to take a ship like the USS Enterprise to alien planets that would otherwise be millions and billions of years beyond human reach.

Agnew argued that even though light is supposed to be the built-in speed limit of the universe, there is a way around it that wouldn’t flatten everyone on board the starship from shooting through space at speeds the human body can’t handle.

Now that the positive and negative energy requirements are estimated to be closer to the size of Jupiter’s total energy, there is science where there was once only fiction.

“Mathematically, if you fulfill all the energy requirements, they can’t prove that it doesn’t work,” Agnew said. But he did acknowledge that “warp drive theory is at the point where the mathematics needs more development and the technologies need more development.”

The field is where radio, television, radar, microwaves, computing, cellular communications, human flight, space exploration and travel by automobile all once were. It’s ahead of the current cutting edge, theoretically possible, but limited by its prodigious energy requirements and scalability issues as well as the current state of supporting technologies.

Read more in the article and the university speech.