Autumn 2019 – 2600 Magazine DRM-free PDF and HOPE conference update on Monday! @2600 @HackerRadioShow @hopeconf



The new issue (PDF) – Autumn 2019 – 2600 Magazine is out and for the first time you can purchase and download a DRM-free PDF, we did and it worked great. Many bookstores stopped carrying tech magazines, and more so 2600.


Ladyada and I usually have an article in each volume and we’ve included it in an ADABOX!

Next up, on Monday there will be some news about the HOPE conference, we’ll update this post here once we see it.


We’ve been working really hard on figuring out a way to continue having HOPE conferences. As you probably know, Hotel Pennsylvania has tripled their price which has made it virtually impossible for us to hold it there and keep the conference reasonably priced. We have received hundreds of suggestions and so much support from the community. We’ve read every word and are eternally grateful for the positive thoughts at a time when they were most needed.

As mentioned in the new issue of 2600, we’ve set MONDAY, OCTOBER 21ST as the date where we make public what our plans for 2020 are. We’ll let you know at,, and through this announcement list.

(The new issue of 2600 is now out in DRM-free PDF format for the very first time! Please support our efforts at and spread the word! It all helps to make projects like HOPE possible.)

Until Monday…

The HOPE Staff

2600, HOPE.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!