Bas van de Poel. Interview with a connoisseur of computer villainy

Fascinating interview with Bas van de Poel from We Make Money Not Art.

Computer viruses are nefarious, chilling and increasingly sophisticated. The way their makers constantly reinvent the tactics that will bypass all security measures and infect our privacy, businesses and governments deserves our attention. That’s exactly why Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam has dedicated an exhibition to the intrinsic beauty and cleverness of their contagious tactics. Malware. Symptoms of a Viral Infection (open until 10 November and curated by Bas van de Poel and Marina Otero Verzier) is an anthology of some of the most cunning forms of bugs, worms, ransomware and Trojan horses. The collection is informative and at times also quite entertaining. Except of course if you’ve recently been a victim of this type of computer villainy.

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