bossplayersCTF : 1
Aimed at Beginner Security Professionals who want to get their feet wet into doing some CTF's. It should take around 30 minutes to root.
Download :,375/
Difficulty : Beginners
Format : OVA (VirtualBox)
To find the IP address of the box in the network by running nmap.
Further scan all ports of the box.
The website is running on port 80.
Check the source code of the page and found a hash at the bottom of the page.
Suspected that the hash is base64 decoded. Try to decode it.
After the decoding, the result is "workinprogress.php". Let's browse it.
The page says that "test ping command". Let's test it for "cmd" parameter.
The command is executed. To pawn a reverse shell.
To find if there is any file with sticky bit.
The result is "find". Try to privilege escalation.
Decode the "root.txt". Root is dancing!
After thought
It is a traditional Capture The Flag (CTF) box with base64 decode and sticky bit searching. Recommended.
October 12, 2019, China, Hong Kong