Caddy Proposal: Permanently change all proprietary licensing to open source

from Hacker News

We (Light Code Labs in partnership with Ardan Labs) have decided that we would like to make all Caddy code open source and permanently remove all proprietary licensing within the project, effective as soon as this proposal is accepted.

We would like the community's feedback on these plans, which are as follows:

  • Reaffirm that Caddy is an Apache 2.0-licensed open source project (this is unchanged)
  • All Caddy binaries remain open source, Apache 2.0-licensed
  • All official, enterprise-only v2 plugins that were to be reserved for business customers be
    released under the same open source license and moved into open repositories
  • Drop plans for "Caddy Enterprise" branding
  • Invite the community to collaborate in the development of all of Caddy, including former-Enterprise-only features
  • Drop all build server subscriptions, startup packages, and private plugin hosting

With regards to the website, our plans are:

  • Remove all use case restrictions from the build server (download page and
  • Eliminate all mentions of products, business licensing, and subscriptions from the website
  • Move the current website to with redirects for most URLs
  • Put up a v2 website at that reflects the values, features, and benefits of the new Caddy project
  • Add a Support/Contact link for companies who require support
  • Add Ardan Labs' logo to broadcast our close relationship with Ardan Labs, and to make it clear that this open source project is backed by a trusted company

With Ardan Labs as our official partner for the Caddy project, we are ready to support the enterprise use cases. Ardan Labs is world-renowned for their Go training and support in the enterprise setting. We are confident that businesses will love using Caddy 2 once they try it, and we look forward to supporting their production use cases.

Our plans for businesses are:

  • Light Code Labs will continue supporting our current v1 customers until their subscriptions expire
  • Leverage Ardan Labs expertise to serve our clients with what they require -- whether it be 24/7 on-call support, custom feature development, training, and/or installation help or consultation
  • Light Code Labs may seek sponsorships to help back the ongoing, full-time open source development of the project
  • Light Code Labs will reach out to our current customers to let them know about these changes and help them understand these improved support options

With regards to Caddy v2, our plans are:

  • Release a new beta version approximately every Monday
  • Release RC1 by the end of the year
  • Release stable 2.0 in Q1 2020

We want the world to know that Caddy:

  1. is open source for good
  2. is not a toy project
  3. has corporate backing
  4. can be used without hassle or worry in both small business and enterprise environments
  5. can support enterprise use

We hope these changes will make this vision for the new Caddy project a reality.

What do you think?

Please submit your votes and feedback in this issue, and share it as widely as you can because this is the culmination of many years' efforts from ourselves and many of you! Thank you to everyone involved!